DMCA Takedown & Counter-Notification Process If we receive a valid DMCA takedown notice, we will promptly take action to remove or block access to the allegedly infringing content in accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) and applicable legal requirements. Notification to the Alleged Infringer Please be aware that we may share the details of your DMCA notice, including your contact information, with the individual or entity accused of infringement. This step is necessary to allow both parties to resolve the issue directly and efficiently. Filing a Counter-Notification If you believe that the content was removed in error or incorrectly identified as infringing, you have the right to file a counter-notification. To do so, your counter-notification must include the following information: A detailed description of the content that was removed, along with its original location on our website before removal. Your full contact information, including your name, address, phone number, and email address. A statement, made under penalty of perjury, asserting that you believe the removal was a mistake or the content was misidentified. A statement agreeing to the jurisdiction of the federal district court in your location (or, if outside the United States, in any district where our website operates) and consenting to accept legal service from the original complainant or their representative. Your physical or electronic signature to authenticate the counter-notification.